Body-Centred Therapy
A somatic experiencing of self within the body and its layers, witness to habitual and reactive postural holdings, observation of our relationship to space and the area that surrounds, and integration of selves (experiences).
Service Description:
A hands-on listen follow approach that honours what is happening within the body in that moment, as well as any influences present from other relevant moments outside of time and space and for the individual’s inquiry and in the best interest of all beings.
Benefits: Postural cohesion, awareness of self in space, decreased pain, availability to self and in relation to others.
Duration: 60 minute session
More: Body-Centred therapy is a deep cellular listening, attuned to somatic structures: attention to neural and fascial congruency, visceral vascular, cranio sacral, muscle health and bone articulation. This is a hands-on approach where we physiologically track breath, postural habits, emotional and physical holding patterns, accessing neurological-emotional states and holding these experiences. Being in two places at the same time, here and now, also walking alongside the other experiences presenting in the tissues.
Layers and meanings come forth as images, feeling postural tension, enigmatic learning and opportunity for exploration, places that want to be heard or seen from the past come for viewing and integration. Our goal is to allow all to present and allow what wants to come forward to be integrated in today’s exploration of the means of articulation in the matter at hand so the body may be released of its habitual memory and longing for witness.
My hands are a guide that allows for your witness of the tension, holding pattern, emotion and held experience for restoration and integration of parts of self.
To book a body-centred therapy session, see my JaneApp page.